I guess winter really was coming… even if it’s spring now… April 4, 2016 By Dad But that’s ok, because I finally get to try out my snow suit!!! All ready to go outside… I’m not so sure about this… why is everything covered in white? Seems safe enough over here by the car… Maybe I’ll try stepping in this white stuff a little… Hey, this is actually kind of fun… I’m getting the hang of this… I love being outside, even if it’s cold… Lots of snow… Where’d the driveway go? Oops, I fell down… Why’s all the white stuff on my hands now? Ut oh, this one wasn’t much fun, but Mommy helped me out… Can’t go walking in the street without Mommy… Have to stay close… Daddy shows me a snowball… I don’t quite get how to make them yet though… This whole outside in the snow thing is tiring… But why isn’t there any snow under the stairs? Ok, one last run through the snow before it’s time to go back inside…
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